Show Ended

Twitch Rivals: Survival Cup 3

  • Nov 12, 2024 - Nov 17, 2024

  • 7:00 PM UTC

  • Europe, North America, LATAM

Who Participated


Event Details

  • 6 Days Event
  • 200 Participants

Tournament Format

  • 12 Minigames - Survival
    • Two Minigames per day
    • After each game, participants will be eliminated until only one remains.

Day 1 Minigames

  • Sweet Dreams

    • Singleplayer
    • Description
      • When the red light turns on, avoid being caught by the creature by hiding in the golden wardrobes or golden beds as quickly as possible.
      • If you run out of wardrobe or bed, you may be eliminated.
      • Right-click on a golden wardrobe or golden bed to hide.
  • Bumper Cars

    • Singleplayer
    • Approximately fourteen (14) players are expected to be eliminated during “Bumper Cars” Minigame
    • Description
      • Objective: When the bell rings, pick a flag and go to the correct color panel before the timer runs out.
      • Flags are thrown by the DJ in the room. You can obtain them by picking them up from the ground or taking them from another player.
      • You will lose one point if you are not on the correct color panel but have a flag.
      • You will lose one point if you are on the correct color panel but do not have a flag.
      • You will lose two points if you don't meet either of the two conditions.
      • If you lose all your points, you will be eliminated.
      • Important! You can only lose the last point if you do not have a flag.
      • A - Lean left
      • B - Lean right
      • W - Propel forward
      • S - Lean back to brake
      • Mouse - Direction
      • Left Click to hit a player and take their flag.

Day 2 Minigames

  • Lucky Coin

    • Singleplayer
    • Approximately fifteen (15) players are expected to be eliminated during “Lucky Coin” Minigame
    • Description
      • Dive to the bottom and search for coins. If you find one, take it to one of the chests located on the surface to be safe for that round.
      • If you fail to deliver the coin, once the player count reaches its limit, you will be eliminated.
      • Important! If a player carrying a coin is hit 5 times, they will drop it.
      • Right-click on a coin to pick it up.
      • Right-click on a chest while holding the coin to deliver it.
      • Left-Click to hit another player
      • Sprint to swim faster in the water
  • Hide and Seek

    • Singleplayer
    • Approximately Twenty (20) players are expected to be eliminated during “Hide and Seek” Minigame
    • Description
      • Voting Phase
        • Take 5 pieces of paper from the containers. Then, click on a player to write their name and number on the paper.
        • Wait for the voting phase to end, once you have chosen the 5 players you are going to vote for.
          • Deposit your votes in the box located in the room when instructed by the staff
          • The players with the fewest votes will be selected for a special role in the next game
        • Right-click on the container to take your papers
        • Right-click on a player to write their name and number on a paper
        • Right-click on the box to deposit your votes
      • Game phase
        • If your role is to hide, avoid being found by the seekers during the game; seekers will be eliminated at the end of the game.
        • A seeker needs up to three shots to tag a hider:
          • One shot to reveal the player if disguised as an object
          • One shot to remove their disguise, if they have one
          • Finally, one shot to tag the hider and turn them into the new seeker.
        • When roles switch, the new seeker must return to the starting point of the map to reload their laser toy.
        • Important! Hiders have the ability to transform into different objects in the room
        • But be careful, while transformed, they must hold their breath, represented by a bar.
        • The breath meter depletes faster if you take too much air. Keep in mind that when you take a breath, you will make a noise around you.
        • Right-click on an object with the scanner to check if the hiding spot is valid.
        • Seekers:
          • Press R to reload laser toy
          • Left-click with the reloaded laser toy to shoot
        • Hiders:
          • Right-click on and object to transform into that object
          • SHIFT to transform into an object to hide
          • Press R to regain breath while hiding

Day 3 Minigames

  • The Tower

    • Teams of 5
    • Approximately ten (10) players (2 teams) are expected to be eliminated during “The Tower” Minigame.
    • Description
      • In teams, players must build a tower using the machine's construction pieces to reach the bell at the top. You must do this before the other teams.
      • The pieces have unique shapes and cannot be removed if another piece is above them.
      • Important! To build each level of the tower, you must ensure that all the construction pieces have a support point.
      • Teams that fail to touch the bell will be eliminated.
      • Right-click to turn the machine's wheel to obtain a piece.
      • Right-click to interact with the pieces.
      • Left-click to remove a piece.
  • Chained Words

    • Teams of 5
    • Approximately ten (10) players (2 teams) are expected to be eliminated during “Chained Words” Minigame.
    • Description
      • In teams, solve the riddles from the book and place the correct letters on the board to score points. Use the trampoline to reach each letter's location.
      • For each incorrectly placed letter, you will lose one point.
      • For each correct letter placed on the board, you will gain one point.
      • Each word has an extra bonus for being completed. The amount of bonus points is determined by how quickly a team completes the word compared to the other teams.
      • Important! On the trampoline, you must press the spacebar only once and wait to bounce to gain height.
      • Teams with the fewest points will be eliminated. In case of a tie, teams with fewer errors will advance to the next phase.
      • Right-click on a letter to pick it up.
      • Right-click on the board while holding a letter to place it.
      • Right-click on the book to read the riddles.

Day 4 Minigames

  • This trick can only be done once

    • Singleplayer
    • Approximately fifteen (15) players are expected to be eliminated during "This trick can only be done once" Minigame.
    • Description
      • Follow the instructions on the panel and defuse the bomb before the player counter on the panel reaches zero.
      • Every time a player defuses a bomb, the player counter on the panel decreases.
      • Important! The shape on the player's back will change each time the timer reaches zero.
      • If you make 3 mistakes or the player counter on the panel reaches zero, you will be eliminated.
      • Right-click on the bomb panel to open it.
      • Left-click to select and interact within the bomb panel
      • Press ESC to exit the bomb panel.
  • The Rope

    • Teams of 10
    • Approximately fifty (50) players (5 teams) are expected to be eliminated during "The Rope" Minigame
    • Description
      • In teams, pull the rope to drag the opposing team off the platform
      • To pull the rope, right-click on it as many times as possible among all team members
      • Important! While the opposing team pulls the rope, a force drags your team towards the center of the structure. Make sure to move back and position yourselves correctly while pulling the rope to avoid falling into the void.
      • The teams that fall into the void will be eliminated
      • Right-click on the rope to pull it

Day 5 Minigames

  • Feed the Beast

    • Singleplayer
    • Approximately Six (6) players are expected to be eliminated during “Feed The Beast” Minigame
    • Description:
      • Catch fishes in the water and feed them to the beast. Avoid leaving your beast without food for too long, or you will be eliminated.
      • Your beast's hunger is represented by a bar, similar to the fishing bar.
      • Fill the fishing bar as quickly as possible to catch a fish.
      • Your beast's hunger bar will start to decrease whenever it opens its mouth; at that moment, you must feed it.
      • Pay close attention to the on-screen keys. The more keys you press correctly, the faster yo will fill the bar to catch the fish.
      • Right-click using the fishing rod to cast the hook.
      • Press the keyboard letters shown on the screen to fill the fishing bar
      • Right-click with a fish in hand on your beast to feed it.
  • Memory

    • Groups of 2
    • Approximately Twenty two (22) players are expected to be eliminated during “Memory” Minigame
    • Description:
      • Get more pairs of cards than your opponent. You will have a time limit for each turn
      • For each pair of identical cards you find, you will receive one point.
      • If you don't flip the card before your turn ends, your turn will be passed to your opponent.
      • For each pair of identical card find, you earn an extra turn
      • The group with the fewest point at the end of the game, in each match, will be eliminated
      • Right-click on a card to flip it

Day 6 Minigames

  • Spelling Bee

    • Singleplayer
      • Approximately Twenty (20) players are expected to be eliminated during Spelling Bee Minigame
    • Description:
      • Once per round, players will be selected by an arrow, and must listen carefully to spell the mentioned word. Players must spell the mentioned word using the Minecraft Proximity Chat, and once they finish spelling it, they must confirm their answer by pressing the button in front of them.
      • The round concludes once all involved players (who still had their balloon at the beginning of the round) have spelled one word. In each round, all players will receive words with the exact same amount of letters.
      • IMPORTANT: The Mentioned Word will either be in American English or Latin American Spanish, based on the language the current player has selected on their client.
      • At the end of each round, players who managed to spell their word correctly and still have their balloon unburst, will advance to the following round (or Minigame, if there’s only one or two players remaining). The round conclusion and the beginning of a new round occurs as following, until the two winners are defined:
        • If, at the end of the round, three or more players have spelled their word correctly, they'll advance to the following Round. All other players, which had their balloon burst during this round, will be eliminated.
        • If, at the end of the round, exactly two players have spelled their word correctly whilst all other players failed to do so, these two remaining players will be the winners of “Spelling Bee” Minigame and will advance to the final Minigame.
        • If, at the end of the round, only one player has spelled their word correctly whilst all other players failed to do so, that player will be the first winner of the “Spelling Bee” Minigame and will advance to the final Minigame. All other players (who still had their balloon at the beginning of the round) that failed to spell their word correctly during that round will have their balloon restored, and will participate in a new round.
        • If a round ends and no player has spelled their word correctly, all players (who still had their balloon at the beginning of the round) will have their balloon restored, and will participate in a new round.
      • A player balloon’s air will accumulate during the whole Minigame, meaning that taking too long to answer a question will result in the player having less time to answer the subsequent ones. A player’s balloon’s will burst under the following conditions:
        • If the balloon inflates too much and reaches the limit.
        • If you press the button without giving an answer.
        • If you press the button with an incomplete and/or incorrect answer.
      • IMPORTANT: Upon pressing the button, the player will be muted in the voice chat. Players must make sure to only press the button AFTER giving their final answer in a clear manner, so that the Tournament Organizers can accurately evaluate their response. Please, bear in mind that everything that’s said after “Spell it!” will be considered as part of your answer, and it will be up to the judges to decide if the response (as a whole) is valid or not.
      • Right-Click on the button in front of you to confirm your answer AFTER answering the question. REMEMBER: Do NOT touch the button BEFORE giving your answer.
  • Final Game

    • Singleplayer
    • Eliminated players: 1
    • Description:
      • Stay on the iceberg and push your opponent.
      • If you fall off the iceberg 5 times, you will be eliminated.
      • Important! During the game, there will be a random mechanic to struggle against your opponent. When this happens, press the spacebar as many times as possible to win the struggle and push them with greater force.
      • Left-click on your opponent to push them
      • Press the spacebar when prompted to compete against your opponent.

Additional Rules

  • Adjustment Game
    • The Night
      • The game will run in case any participant adjustments are needed for any of the games
        • Description
          • When the lights go out, player combat will be activated. Avoid dying.
          • Players will be free to kill any other player with a bottle
          • When the kill limit is reached to adjust the number of players for the next game, the lights will turn on, deactivating player combat.
          • Left-click using a bottle to damage other players.

Prizing - 100,000 USD Total

PlacementPrizing (per Player)

Twitch Rivals: Survival Cup 3 Official Rules


Twitch Rivals: Survival Cup 3

  • Minecraft

  • Leaderboard

  • November 12, 2024

  • 7:00 pm GMT+0
