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Twitch Rivals Streamer Bowl VI: Clash of the Couches

  • Feb 5, 2025 - Feb 6, 2025

  • 10:00 PM UTC

  • North America

Who Participated


Twitch Rivals is teaming up with the NFLPA to run our sixth iteration of the Streamer Bowl series, ft. a $50,000 USD charity prize pool! Trios made of Twitch Streamers and NFL Stars will compete against each other in a variety of IRL and video game challenges to prove who is the Clash of the Couches Champion!



  • 8 Teams of 3 Players
  • 24 Participants
  • Teams will compete to earn points in a mix of different IRL and Video Game challenges
  • Top 2 teams compete head-to-head in an IRL Finals
  • The order of the challenges will be as follows:
    • Intro Challenge - Shop N Swap (IRL)
    • Challenge 2 - Smoothie Splash (IRL)
    • Challenge 3 - Madden 25(Video Game)
    • Challenge 4 - Tidy Up Toss (IRL)
    • Finale Challenge - Party Prep Panic (IRL)

1️⃣ INTRO CHALLENGE  -  Shop N Swap (IRL)

  • Teams will attempt to order grocery items from lowest to highest price in the correct order. (Cheapest on the left and most expensive on the right)

    • There will be five (5) different food items on the table.
    • Players will work together to order their list of items from cheapest to costliest.
    • Teams will have 60 seconds to set and agree upon the order. After the 30 seconds the order placed will be considered final and the team will receive points accordingly.
    • Each team will have a different set of items.
  • Intro Challenge Scoring

    • After 30 seconds, the team will receive 1 point for each item in its correct “position”, as well as 1 point for having correctly placed 3 or more in a row, regardless of their position, for a maximum of 6 points.
    • Example: *If items A,B,C,D,E are priced in that order and the teams final position of items is E,A,B,C,D they would receive 1 point for having four in a row ABCD even though their positions were not accurate.
    • If items A,B,C,D,E are priced in that order and the team’s final position of items is D,B,A,C,E they would receive 2 points.

2️⃣ CHALLENGE 2  -  Smoothie Splash (IRL)

  • Teams will attempt to throw as many fruit (water balloons) as they can to fill up their blender as much as possible within 60 seconds.

    • There are two roles during this event: Thrower (1) and Juicers (2).
    • Before the challenge begins, all three members will take their positions. They do not move during the event.
    • During this challenge, they will have 60 seconds to fill their blender as high as possible with water.
      • Throwers will throw as many water balloons as fast as they can to their Juicers . Throwers will be stationed across from the Juicers.
      • Juicers will catch the water balloons and break/pop open their balloons over their blender.
    • All players will be in a kiddie pool to catch any residual water.
  • Challenge 2 Scoring

    • After 60 seconds, the height of the liquid in the blender will be measured to the nearest line it has met.
    • After all teams have completed this challenge, their measurements will be ranked.
    • Any tied teams will receive the same amount of points for the placement they are tied for.
      • Line 5 (Highest Line) | 10 points
      • Line 4 | 8 points
      • Line 3 | 6 points
      • Line 2 | 4 points
      • Line 1 (Lowest Line) | 2 points
      • DNF | 1 point

3️⃣ CHALLENGE 3  -  Madden 25 (Video Game)

  • Teams will face off playing Madden 25 at their designated stream setups. Teams will have one controller and must pass the controller to the next teammate after each change of possession.

  • Teams will be paired up via snake seeding based on their current rank on the overall leaderboard after Challenge #2.

    • 1st vs 8th
    • 2nd vs 7th
    • 3rd vs 6th
    • 4th vs 5th
  • Game Settings

    • Fatigue: OFF
    • Game Skill: Rookie
    • Quarter Length: 3 minutes
    • Accelerated Clock 10 seconds
    • Injuries: OFF
    • Even Teams: ON
    • Game Style: Arcade
  • Each team will play only one (1) match of Madden 25.

  • Teams must agree on their teams settings before starting their match. These include the following.

    • NFL Team
    • Controller Layout
    • Offensive Playbook
    • Defensive Playbook
    • Team Uniforms
  • Teams must decide on a predetermined order to pass the controller after each change of possession. Players must pass the controller after each change of possession. If a pass is intercepted or a fumble is recovered, both players will finish the play before passing off the controller.

  • Challenge 3 Scoring

    • After all matches complete, teams will be ranked according to their total points from that match.
      • WIN | +3 points
      • 1st | 10 points
      • 2nd | 9 points
      • 3rd | 8 points
      • 4th | 7 points
      • 5th | 6 points
      • 6th | 5 points
      • 7th | 4 points
      • 8th | 3 points
    • Any teams tied will receive the point allocation of the highest placement they are tied for.

4️⃣ CHALLENGE 4  -  Tidy Up Toss (IRL)

  • Teams will attempt to throw a total of thirteen items (13), 12 regular and 1 golden item worth 2x, off a balcony in a set order to earn points based off of the trash bin it lands in.

    • Teams begin by picking the order of their players.
    • Teams start throwing in the sequence provided.
    • Teams will choose one (1) player once the 12 regular items have been thrown, regardless of the player order originally set, to throw one final “golden ball” worth double the amount of points of the bin it lands in.
    • After the golden ball has been thrown and has come to a complete stop, that team’s turn is over.
  • Challenge 4 Scoring

    • Items that have landed in the trash bins will be counted after that team’s turn is over and points will be given out based on the bin it is in.
      • Farthest Bins | +3 points
      • 8 Middle Bins | +2 points
      • Closest Bins | +1 point
    • The golden ball will be worth double the amount of points of the bin it has landed in.

5️⃣ FINALE CHALLENGE  -  Party Prep Panic (IRL)

  • The two (2) highest ranking teams after the conclusion of Challenge #4 will compete in this Finale Challenge.

  • Tiebreakers for the overall leaderboard will be as follows

    • Average Placement among all previous challenges
    • Score in Tidy Up Toss (Challenge #4)
    • Score in Madden 25 (Challenge #3)
    • Score in Smoothie Splash (Challenge #2)
    • Score in Shop & Swap (Challenge #1)
    • If teams have been tied in every previous challenge, the tiebreak will be determined by rock, paper, scissors.
  • All players must at least attempt every challenge once. After one attempt, teams can choose another member to make their shot, toss their pizza, etc.

  • For the finale Cake Chaos, teams must locate three mardi gras beads hidden in the cake and place all three on the party uprights to be declared the winner.

This challenge involves four (4) total stages that teams will complete in order.

Stage 1 - Party Platter

  • Players will have different food items that they will need to get from Table A to Table B using only a serving tray. They will be traversing obstacles to get there.
    • All items being moved must be on the tray provided. No player is allowed to carry anything using their hands that is not on the serving tray.
    • If players drop something on their way they can pick it up or they can come back for it - they don’t need to restart, but it must be on the tray to continue moving with it.
    • All three players can help carry everything using the tray.
    • Once all items have arrived at table B, that team may start stage 2

Stage 2 - Pizza Party

  • Players must throw the available pizzas into a microwave from behind a barrier.
    • Each player must attempt one. If they don't succeed then any player on their team can throw for them. They must get three pizzas in the microwave to move on to Stage 3.
    • Pizzas just have to land in the microwave, they do not need to stay in the microwave as other throws are attempted.
    • Players will get multiple pizzas that they can throw. If they run out they will have to grab them from the ground.
    • Once a total of at least three (3) pizzas have made it into the microwave that team may move on to Stage 3.

Stage 3 - Sauce & Toss

  • Teams will use Spatulas to work together to dunk their hot dogs into a sauce.
    • They will then throw the hot dogs into the mouth of an alligator from behind the table.
    • When teams have a total of 3 hot dogs inside the mouth of the alligator, they may move to Stage 4.

Stage 4 - Cake Chaos

  • Players must search through three cakes to find three hidden mardi gras beads.
    • All players will have their own cake to search through.

    • When a player finds the mardi gras beads, they must put it on the designated sculpture and may help teammates find their mardi gras beads.

    • Once all three (3) necklaces have been found and placed, that team will be determined the winner.

Finale Challenge Scoring

The first team to complete all stages of the challenge first and place the three sets of beads on the uprights are considered the Streamer Bowl VI Champions and the tournament winner.



  • Teams will earn Charity Prizing based on their final ranking as follows:
    • 1st Place: $6,250
    • 2nd Place: $6,250
    • 3st Place: $6,250
    • 4th Place: $6,250
    • 5th Place: $6,250
    • 6th Place: $6,250
    • 7th Place: $6,250
    • 8th Place: $6,250

Twitch Rivals Streamer Bowl VI: Clash of the Couches Official Rules


Finale Challenge - Party Prep Panic

  • Party Prep Panic

  • Single Elimination

  • February 5, 2025

  • 9:00 pm GMT+0

Streamer Bowl VI - Clash of the Couches Overall Leaderboard

  • Special Event

  • Leaderboard

  • February 5, 2025

  • 9:00 pm GMT+0
